
They take you to places
You never thought you’d be.
They take you where
You need to see

Always moving
Never stopping
Always spinning

But they do end
Don’t they
They break down
They start burning

But broken things
They can be fixed
There’s always

We wait
We think
We get up
And we keep on going

They don’t stop.
And if there is
a mistake in the engine
They wait to be fixed with
A new one

Always turning
Never stopping
Always spinning
End once and for all.

I hope you remember to pick yourself up after you’ve fallen. It’s not about winning the fight. It’s about picking yourself up from the ground and then to keep going. This is what is much stronger, much more important. Not giving up and to keep on going. Have a nice evening, night, morning or whatever it is at yours.
Yours truly,

We are what and who we are.

Dear You,
Whoever you may be. This is for you to remember that you are not what people want you to be, you are what and who you are. Too many times people have told us how we’re supposed to act and what we’re supposed to do. Well they might have given you good advice in some ways. But never forget, you are in control of your own life. If someone tells you that you’re doing it all wrong and that you’ll end up getting hurt terribly, screw them. If someone tells you that love will get you a broken heart and that you’ll be shattered in the end, love anyways. These are the choices you have to make on your own. But you’ll never be alone. Don’t you worry. There will always be people to help you and stand by you. But understand, there will be things to face and fight on your own. But I know you’ll get out alive. And you’ll get out stronger than before. Some things will hurt and some things will make you want to end it all but you won’t. Because you’ll always have people to be there for you. And you’ll be who you’ll be. And the others will be who they’ll be. No matter how it turns out it’ll turn out okay. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you’re not okay the way you are. Please don’t. You’re perfect just the way you are. Remember this. Love hard. And always be yourself.