I’ve got it

Dear Readers,
You know that feeling when you’re just sad and everything seems to be going wrong. And I know you do. It’s been very stressful lately and right now I’m supposed to do arts homework. But I thought why don’t just pop up and say hello. I miss you guys. I fucked up in some exams. Sorry for swearing. I just feel pretty upset right now. It’s just that I know that I can’t help everybody that I care about. I know that I can’t make everybody that I care about happy. But I want everyone to be happy. And it’s making me sad when I see people suffering. Especially people I care about. But I shouldn’t give it too much space. I know that I shouldn’t, I do, it’s just hard sometimes, you know. I love books. So I should read more of them. I will when I’ve got time. And I’ve got it. I’m feeling very good. And I’m not sad. Or anything. And that’s what I’m pretending. I say I’ve got it. But in fact I haven’t. Not right now. But I’m alright. And I’m gonna be fine. And I hope you guys are all alright. I hope you’re good. Life’s strange. And there happen so many things. It’s like Peter Pan said: And life would be an awfully big adventure.
Alright. This ain’t a long post. Not too much time. So I guess I’m gonna say Bye for today. Have a nice day, night or whatever.

10 thoughts on “I’ve got it

  1. I hope you are ok. Just know that we all have bad and good days, and sometimes life just doesn’t make sense. But we are all here for a reason, and we should all live life to the fullest. Always here for you ❤

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  2. Yesterday was a total down day. I spent the day crying over silly things like how the cat rolled on a helpess ant. Its weird how our emotions change so rapidly. I hope tomorrow is a better day, smile and rise your head high. The sun will always shine as my friend use to say. Xx

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  3. I was for the longest time so sad and crying for no reason, but I learned that you don’t have to wait for things and enjoy the “now” . Time to time there wil be a sad day but that just normal everyone has them 😊

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